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Resistance burden for testing aggregates | Motortech Consulting d.o.o. Pula

Resistance burden for testing aggregates

Motortech resistive load bank designed for testing diesel-electric generators under partial and nominal load and checking the capabilities of the aggregates under load, all in accordance with the rules of leading classification societies.

Technical characteristics:
Type: MS110-1266-SIG
Dimensions: Length: 2340 mm; Width: 1540 mm; Height: 2075 mm
Weight: 1420 kg
Resolution: 1

Rated power:

Voltage Frequency Power
(V) (Hz) (kW)
450 60 1266
440 60 1210
415 50 1070
400 50 1000
380 50 900

Resistance burden for testing aggregates

Motortech resistive load bank designed for testing diesel-electric generators under partial and nominal load and checking the capabilities of the aggregates under load, all in accordance with the rules of leading classification societies.

Technical characteristics:
Type: MS110-1266-SIG
Dimensions: Length: 2340 mm; Width: 1540 mm; Height: 2075 mm
Weight: 1420 kg
Resolution: 1

Rated power:

Voltage Frequency Power
(V) (Hz) (kW)
450 60 1266
440 60 1210
415 50 1070
400 50 1000
380 50 900

Portable diesel-electric generators

Portable diesel electric generator of 240 kW

Supersilent: in their own housing
Power output: 240 kW
Ability to work in a network: NO

Portable diesel power unit of 700 kW

Supersilent in their own housing
Power output: 700 kW
Ability to work in a network: YES

Protective barriers - a manifestation equipment

We rent a protective fence type F2. Fencing panel dimensions of 345 cm x 200 cm for the limitation of space at events at construction sites and simmilar sites. I is usually fixed by a plastic-concrete weight base and fittings. Panel weight: approx 16 kg.