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Motortech Consulting | Motortech Consulting d.o.o. Pula

Motortech Consulting

Production of on-board and offshore power generators of different power range starting from 30 to 2.500 kWe both in auxiliary, emergency or harbour systems.

Service, diagnostics, testing, production, installation and implementation of super durable aggregates based on MAN, Mitsubuishi, Deutz, Isuzu, MTU and Caterpillar powered engines.

We are a modern and highly qualified company equipped with the sophisticated equipment and professional personnel. We possess the expertise and certificates for various types of aggregates and generators as well as a variety of energy-related products with the constant support of mobile service from our headquarter.

A special care is taken on the careers of our employees and the local community as much as we try to create a responsibility towards nature and the environment for more than 27 years of our business.