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Land program | Motortech Consulting d.o.o. Pula

Land program

Standard Diesel-electric Motortech genset within the Land program is being produced on MAN, Mitsubishi, Deutz, Isuzu, MTU, Caterpillar diesel engine basis and Stamford, TESU, Sincro, Leroy Sumer generators, with different scale of powers. Among the other vital parts of the gensets, we install:

Coupling and reseilient mounts: Vulkan
Sensors and switches: Danfoss, Bedia
Engine monitoring system: ComAp modular components
Electric equipment: Schneider

Auxiliary Emergency and Harbour Gensets:

Diesel motor 3 x 400V / 50 Hz 3 x 450V / 60 Hz
ISUZU 30 - 80 kWe 40 - 90 kWe
DEUTZ 50 - 125 kWe 60 - 135 kWe
MAN 150 - 530 kWe 160 - 595 kWe
MITSUBISHI 500 - 1420 kWe 600 - 1600 kWe
MTU 500 - 2250 kWe 500 - 2500 kWe
20 - 150 kWe

151 - 550 kWe



551 - 3000 kWe


Marine program

Standard Diesel-electric Motortech genset, within the Marine program is being produced on MAN, Mitsubishi, Deutz, Isuzu, MTU, Caterpillar diesel engine basis and Stamford, TESU, Sincro, Leroy Sumer generators, with different scale of powers. Among the other vital parts of the gensets, we install:

Coupling and reseilient mounts: Vulkan
Sensors and switches: Danfoss, Bedia
Engine monitoring system: ComAp modular components
Electric equipment: Schneider

Auxiliary Emergency and Harbour Gensets:

Diesel motor 3 x 400V / 50 Hz 3 x 450V / 60 Hz
ISUZU 30 - 80 kWe 40 - 90 kWe
DEUTZ 50 - 125 kWe 60 - 135 kWe
MAN 150 - 530 kWe 160 - 595 kWe
MITSUBISHI 500 - 1420 kWe 600 - 1600 kWe
MTU 500 - 2250 kWe 500 - 2500 kWe
20 - 150 kWe

151 - 550 kWe



551 - 3000 kWe


Land program

Standard Diesel-electric Motortech genset within the Land program is being produced on MAN, Mitsubishi, Deutz, Isuzu, MTU, Caterpillar diesel engine basis and Stamford, TESU, Sincro, Leroy Sumer generators, with different scale of powers. Among the other vital parts of the gensets, we install:

Coupling and reseilient mounts: Vulkan
Sensors and switches: Danfoss, Bedia
Engine monitoring system: ComAp modular components
Electric equipment: Schneider

Auxiliary Emergency and Harbour Gensets:

Diesel motor 3 x 400V / 50 Hz 3 x 450V / 60 Hz
ISUZU 30 - 80 kWe 40 - 90 kWe
DEUTZ 50 - 125 kWe 60 - 135 kWe
MAN 150 - 530 kWe 160 - 595 kWe
MITSUBISHI 500 - 1420 kWe 600 - 1600 kWe
MTU 500 - 2250 kWe 500 - 2500 kWe
20 - 150 kWe

151 - 550 kWe



551 - 3000 kWe
