Warning: mysqli_connect() [function.mysqli-connect]: Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:100618 Library:100236 in /home/motortec/public_html/inc/dbc.php on line 2 Home | Motortech Consulting d.o.o. Pula
Providing a various power range generator sets starting from 30 to 2.500 kWe for both marine and land emergency power systems and auxiliary power units.
Durable power systems
Heavy duty marine engines
Service, diagnostics, testing, production, installation and implementation of the super durable power systems such as Isuzu and Mitsubuishi marine engines.
Expertise and competence
Professional team of engineers
A modern and highly skilled company equipped with sophisticated equipment and professional personnel. We have expertise in different types of engines, generators and different engineering products with continuous mobile service support.
Sustainability & social responsibility
Merging corporate, social and environmental principles
Taking care of employees careers and local community and also striving to environmental responsibility for more than 22 years of our business existence.